Tuesday, February 1, 2022

My Latest Adventure: Painting the New HeroQuest Figures!

 In this blog I've shared some of my miniatures painting efforts. Up until now, I've worked almost solely with 10mm fantasy figures. It's an easy scale, as block colors and a dark general wash are sufficient to produce decent results on the tabletop. I've honestly been reluctant to attempt larger fantasy figures out of concern that I'm not skilled enough as a painter to produce decent results. But I've begun playing this game with friends over a Discord video channel, and since part of the charm of HeroQuest rises from the miniatures and scenic pieces. After two games with bare figures, I want to surprise my gaming buddies with some gaming eye candy. So I decided to face my fears, take up my paintbrush, and enter the painting dungeon... 

Did I succeed in my quest? I'll let you be the judge— no, wait, I won't. This ain't a contest. I wanted to produce a look that was GETGW— Good Enough To Game With— and I wanted to GEOTT— Get 'Em On The Table. With "arms length quality" as my goal, I knew I wouldn't be doing much in the way of highlights or shading. But I figured I could indeed pull off that quality.

Here are my results. 

Our heroes assemble for inspection!

This better be the only time you show 'em your backsides!

Skeletons, zombies and mummies— oh my!

A torture rack, a vile altar, and surely that's just a statue in the middle, right?

Oh no! Not the comfy chair!
Plus a nice weapons rack (or a rack of nice weapons) and an Alchemist's table.
Gulp— I hope that's just red ink...

Two bookshelves for perusing, and a cupboard.
I'm sure there's nothing dangerous lurking in there.

These dread creatures are still "orcs" in process.

A dungeon of color!

For the above images, while you can peruse them closeup, that's not the effect I was going for— these figures are intended to be viewed while seated at a table, or about arm's length, which is honestly how I recommend anyone approach painting miniatures. Yes, on the 'Net you will see gorgeously painted figures with subtle shading, highlights, and faux lighting effects done with paint— and if you've got that kind of talent, more power to you. But to my fellow "I just want to play" gamers, don't be afraid to just do what works for you. My approach was to come up with a few key colors and stick with those. I think I did fairly well. Good enough for me, anyway!

I've still got more to paint (I bought the Mythic Tier set, which has a LOT of figures— plus there are all those bloomin' doors (literally blooming-- for some reason they're all sculpted with vines growing on 'em. In a dungeon underground with no sunlight. I may just ignore those...

In any case, I hope you enjoy the eye candy.

-- Parzival, aka Howard Shirley

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